
Saturday, September 4, 2010

Gorgeous Day

It figures the prettiest day we have had in a while I feel like dog poopy! It is that time of month and it is really hitting me hard! Like a ton of bricks!

We really do not have much planned today. After the girl's naps we are taking them to Wacky World on McGuire and thinking about taking snacks and having a sort of picnic. It is just plain wrong to stay cooped up in the house on day like today! No matter if I am feeling like poopy or not.

While it is on my mind, would please everyone pray for my Grandmother. She is not doing well at all. She is currently in the ICU at Memorial In Chattanooga, TN. She was taken by ambulance yesterday because he stomach was distended! Made her look like she was 9 months pregnant! When she got to the hospital they found out it was full of blood. They gave her 3 units of blood and drained her stomach (not in that order I am sure). They THINK it is her brain swelling and that is causing the bleeding, but will not know for sure until they run the tests today or tomorrow. She is currently not all there. Talking out of her mind not really knowing where she is. So please, please pray for her and my mom, aunt, and uncle! She is my last living Grandmother!

Getting geared up for starting my diet in a less than 3 weeks! I am excited and nervous all at the same time. I KNOW this is going to be hard, but I know I can do it! I am ready for a happier, healthier, skinner, hotter me :)

I sincerely hope everyone has a blessed day and remember Philippians 4:13, "I can do all things through Christ which strengthenth me."