Verse of the Day:
"Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths." Proverbs 3:5-6
Valentines Day is another one of those hallmark holidays, however, every woman I know wants to be acknowledged and shown she is loved. My DH didn't do too bad from over 8000 miles away. Since he wasn't here me and my babies celebrated together. I am very blessed that I have my 2 angels to keep my company while daddy is away.
My Emma Bug made me a Valentine at school today. Not too bad for a 4 year old.
We got to talk to DH after Emma got off the bus. He was going to work (they are 18 hours ahead of us). Afterwards, while the Bella Bear was still sleeping, me and the Bug made yummy cupcakes. You can find the recipe here.
I measured and she poured. We also made some yummy Baked Ziti and you can find that recipe here. They only thing I did different besides cut the recipe in half was add some ricotta this time around and it was extra yummy.
Even though DH would have made this day even better, I had a fantastic time with my girls.
I hope everyone has a blessed day.