
Tuesday, September 28, 2010

FREE Photo Books (HotBooks) From

This is an awesome site that will allow you to order 4 FREE HotBooks a month!! I said FREE!! It is awesome. I have taken advantage of this several times and it is a great way to send pictures of the kiddos to family members or to your military spouse when he is deployed. I did one for every month Ted was gone to Afghanistan so he did not miss out on the girls activites. Check it out! Also the more you pay for the more free products they will offer you! It is legit! 

My DH will be joining me on the HCG diet tomorrow

Well, my wonderful hubby will be joining me on the HCG diet tomorrow so I will be keeping track of his progress on here as well. He is doing a 3 week phase though and I am doing a 42 day phase. He starts the drops and day 1 of his gorge days tomorrow! Wish him luck :)

This was taken a few years ago...Before kids :)

Tuesday Twitter Hop

Join Tuesday Twitter Hop. Click the button above for instructions.

Tuesday's Thoughts

Verse of the Day:

"If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land." II Chronicles 7:14

Well day one of the 500 cal portion of the diet is done. When I went to my friend's house on Friday night I weighed myself. I went back over to pick up some things and she gave me the scale since she is moving and doesn't need it and I weighed myself again when I got back home and I am down 5.2 pounds since Friday night!!!!! WAHOO!!!!!!!!!!! This diet is a bit hard. It is very strict. Normally I do not eat a lot anyway, BUT I found myself hungry all day yesterday! I mean really! I am wondering if it is Psychosomatic? For breakfast I had herbal tea sweetened with Stevia, for morning snack I had an apple, for lunch I had grilled shrimp and asparagus, for afternoon snack I had some strawberries sweetened with Stevia, and for dinner I had a taco salad (HCG approved of course)! Now I am a firm believer in NOT going to be bed hungry so I saved my 2 carbs (Melba toast or Grissini) for about an hour before bedtime. I was taught by a nutritionist NOT to go to bed hungry and about 30 minutes before bed eat a very healthy snack (not ice cream people) I was told your body can go into starvation mode and it can prevent you from loosing weight at a steady rate. I lost 136 lbs doing that before and I WILL continue to do it with his diet unless I gain 50 pounds LOL. If I can endure the actual hunger pains for a few more days I KNOW I can make it and I WILL loose. Thanks to everyone backing me up and supporting me and I KNOW I cannot do this with out GOD's help! I am looking forward to the rest of my journey! I WILL be small again dang it!

On another note, it is a gloomy day outside and with gloomy days for me comes a gloomy mood. Oh well! I think my Isabella is getting sick too. She has been up and now all night coughing like she has something draining. I am pretty sure it is allergies, but I am going to keep a close eye on her anyway. 

Not too much planned for today really. I have to help a friend get her house ready for final inspection tonight and then I need to drop off Emily's paperwork to get her on the waiting list for preschool. It depends on how Bella is feeling. I still need to get this house back in order too! I am so behind on everything! I have no motivation at all. I am just so tired all of the time lately. I  have a Miche Bag party Friday so it has to be spotless by then. Pics and info about the Miche Bag will be posted over the week end by the way :)

Well, I am off of here for today! As always have a blessed day and remember Philippians 4:13, "I can do all things through CHRIST which strengthenth me."

Okay blog hopping today I came across a site similar to paypal that is trying to get off the ground. I AM NOT sure if they will actually pay BUT it is worth a try right? You are not entering any personal information and will get $50 just for signing up as well as $5 for every person you refer. There is also money you can earn every day by doing different things. You have to log in every day to keep the account active. Since this is a new site I am not sure if they actually pay!
The name of the company is called PayBox Check it out. You have nothing to loose right?

Follow Me Back Tuesday Blog Hop

Welcome to Follow Me Back Tuesday, my favorite Tuesday blog hop. :)

How it Works
Follow all 4 Hosts & Guest Host - Spots 1-5 leave us a comment w/ your blog url so that we can follow u back ( only leave a comment that you follow if you actually follow )
Snag the button from one of the hosts to add to your FMBT post then post on your blog
Add your blog to the list- using the link from your blog post( NOT YOUR BLOG HOP or GIVEAWAYS PLEASE ) These entries will be deleted.
Follow as many blogs as you would like, Make sure you leave them a comment so they know you stopped by . Then Follow Back everyone that follows you & comments.
