
Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Wordless Wednesday

 My Husband and 621 CRW in Haiti Jan 2010

Thank You

I want to thank Diamonds and Dog tags for my new button. She is a fellow military wife. Thank you very much!

Wordish Wednesday

Verse of the Day:
"And he saith unto them, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men." Matthew 4:19

Wordish Wednesday
Join Supermom in Wordish Wednesday :) Click the button and link up.

My Wordish Wednesday for this week is Creative Designs Custom Blogs formally know as Dezines by Merr. Please check out this blog.   She is AWESOME. She has designed my blog and many others. She is super talented and her prices are fair. Please follow and tell her A Day in the Life of an Air Force Wife and Mommy of Two sent you. And of course remember her when you want to revamp your blog.

Some of the other sites she has designed are:
Rece's Pieces

B. Malpedo Photography

Sincerely Sweet

I Dream in Cupcakes

Aleena Madelyn Photography

My Journey From Flab to Fab

Luxury Living Frugal Style

And you know of course, I have to honor my little princesses on Wordish Wednesday

My little blessings from God

We don't have too much planned today. Just a play date with one of my friends and her kiddos around 3 and HOPEFULLY AWANA this evening :)

I broke through my plateau finally! I have lost an 2.4 lbs since yesterday morning! YAHOO! FINALLY!

I am off for now and as always, I hope everyone has a very blessed day and remember Philippians 4:13, "I can do ALL things through CHRIST which strengthenth me."