Verse of the Day:
"Render therefore to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honour to whom honour. Owe no man any thing, but to love one another: for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law." Romans 13:7&8
I have been one busy mommy lately so I am very sorry for my lack of posts, but you all know the drill, Family always comes first :). This week is supposed to be a slow one thank goodness and I NEED IT!
DH has started his predeployment appointments and training. :'( and we are getting ready to send a very dear friend off to Korea for a year. I dislike deployments, TDY's, and unaccompanied PCSes. They just stink.
I also start my key spouse training next week or as the Army calls them, FRG leaders. Thought I would throw that in there for those of you who watch Army Wives which is a great show by the way.
My youngest is all potty trained! I am so very happy and kinda sad at the same time. She is no longer a baby although she will always be my baby no matter her age. I am just grateful that I do not have to buy diapers. Still in pull ups ONLY at night, but I will take that.
Look out for this Wordful Wednesday's post as well. I will be reposting something I posted last year and I think it needs to be posted again. Also check out my DH's post "Something You Need to Checkout for Yourselves"
I hope everyone has a very blessed Monday. Catch you tomorrow for Tasty Finds Tuesday.
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