Okay, today I feel a little better than yesterday, but still not right. I will be calling the Dr Tuesday to make an appointment. Word of caution, the next paragraph might be TMI so read at your own risk :)
My periods are getting to be about 24-26 days apart and VERY VERY heavy. I am also very moody and have absolutely no energy a couple of days before to a day or 2 after it ends. I have had an IUD since Bella was about 8 weeks old and was replaced but the paraguard IUD when she was about 7 months old and have had no problems, well until now I THINK. Something just doesn't feel right. I can't stand for long periods of time either. I get very very dizzy. Now with all of that being said, I do have hypothyroidism and have to get my iron checked every 6 months because I can get extremely anemic and I am wondering if it is my iron. Now it has never made me feel like this while I was on a period before, but who knows. I just need to make sure everything is okay and I am healthy enough to go ahead with the diet on the 24th.
On a much happier and more reader friendly note, it is supposed to be another beautiful day today! I am so looking forward to it. We took the girls to the park on McGuire yesterday and they had a blast. We have a birthday party to go to today and Emily is already excited. Besides more cleaning, not much more planned today.
My Grandmother is doing somewhat better, but still not doing good. Please continue to keep her in your prayers. She is having a scope done this morning to see if they can find the reason for the bleeding.
I am off for the day. Everyone have a blessed and happy Sunday and remember Phillipians 4:13, "I can do all things through Christ which strengthenth me."