
Thursday, January 20, 2011

I Corinthians 13 For Woman..Thank you Internet Cafe Devotions

This was a post on a blog I love called Internet Cafe Devotions. You can find their website here! I wanted to give credit where credit is due. Have a blessed Thursday everyone.

If I live in a house that is spotless, perfectly in order,
and people are not free to LIVEbecause my home is more important than my family
I have not loveI have kept a house
I have not made a home.
If I spend an exorbitant amount of money on decorations
and care more about the appearance of my house
than the atmosphere of my home
I  have not love,and my children learn materialism, not godliness.
If I control my husband
responding in irritation to him,
finding only fault in him
and not seeking to build him up,
I have not loveand my children learn to disrespect their father
not to honor him
Love is patient – seeking to avoid conflict
Love is kind – seeking to be a blessing.
Love lays aside its “rights” to serve.
Love sees the comfort of another as more important than its own.
Love continually looks for ways to build  up.
Love is not critical, demanding or self seeking.
Love accepts the role that God has given
and sees it as a privilege, not a put down.
Love studies how to fulfill that role
in the most God glorifying way it can.
Before I was an adult I thought life revolved around me.
Then I took on the responsibilities of marriage.
Now I see that life revolves around others
and God’s glory!
All the expectations I had for my marriage
and my life
must fade away into insignificance.
What should remain is the gospel!The gospel reminds me of how full of grace and mercy God has been,
how full of grace and mercy I need to be,
and that I need to offer up my life
as a living sacrifice.
Now there abides in my home a husband and children,
and I am called to point them to Jesus
in all that I do,
I could seek to have my own way and my own comfort,
But the greatest thing of all
The most important thingis love
The love of God that I show them each day
a love that I am unable to show
unless He loves THROUGH me!



Beth said...

Beautiful! Thank you for sharing this Kimmy.

Dede said...

I am your newest follower from the Thursday Blog Hop. I am in a family of all Air Force (dad, brother and 2 sisters) I decided not to myself (I am the grandbaby maker :)

I would love if you would check out any or all 3 of my blogs.

My Life is a Reality Show...

Living Day to Day...

Knead a Recipe?!

Have a wonderful day!!

P.S. A big "Thank You" to your husband for serving, continuing to provide our freedom and to you for being the wife of one who serves.

Renee said...

Excellent! I had to read it twice! (I'm visiting from Doorkeeper at Blessings!